Fay Bainbridge Picnic Shelters (2)

The Fay Bainbridge Hillside Picnic Shelter is a rustic 16’x28’ covered picnic area with five picnic tables, 3 BBQs, and a fireplace. Nearby park features include beach access, a children’s play structure, camping, horseshoes, and a sand volleyball court. Water, electricity, and restrooms are available. There are 11 parking spaces at the shelter and additional spaces nearby.

The Fay Bainbridge Beach Picnic Shelter is a rustic 21’x36’ covered picnic area with six picnic tables, 2 BBQs, and a fireplace. Nearby park features include beach access, a children’s play structure, camping, horseshoes, and a sand volleyball court. Water, electricity, and restrooms are available. There are 33 parking spaces at the shelter and additional spaces nearby.

Two picnic shelters within the park. To check rental availability, please call our customer service desk at 206-842-2306

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