Planning Documents

Current Planning Documents

Strawberry Hill Park Concept Plan

Acquired in 1966 from the federal government, Strawberry Hill Park is one of the first parks in the original Bainbridge Island Park District. The park has evolved considerably in that time, providing centrally located community recreation and services including the island’s original skate facility, dog park, sport fields, administrative offices for the District, plus a community center and Mini Gym, which support year-round programming.  It is time to refresh the plan for the park, particularly in light of recent land additions, new recreation interests, and an aging infrastructure.

The Strawberry Hill Concept Plan, launched in a public meeting in May of 2022, is to expand upon the guiding vision for the park into the future while preserving the park’s unique character.  It introduces both old and new uses with a level of intention such as growing the idea of central play space and improving safe park access and circulation.    The schematic-level graphic is accompanied by a study that addresses infrastructure needs, parking requirements, and environmental stewardship.

It addresses the park’s future development, such as the possibility of new offices for on-site staff and active park programming to keep this a very special Bainbridge Island park. To see a copy of the draft concept plan, click here.
The plan is going before the board of commisioners for approval 4/16 at 6pm.

The draft concept plan will be presented at the Feb 1 board meeting. Neighbors and community members will be given the opportunity to review and offer additional considerations before the plan is adopted. Details and comments will be captured and referenced in future decision making for the park.

To see details of upcoming board meetings and for a link to watch or listen online, click here.

Aquatic Center Replacement Plan

Proposed Concept Plan/Feasibility Study for Aquatic Center

The board of commissioners agreed to allocate funding in 2022 and 2023 to make necessary repairs to the Ray Williamson Pool to avoid any significant closures. This will also ensure that the community and the Park District’s Board of Commissioners have the proper time to determine a replacement solution for the Ray Williamson Pool.

Click here for the proposed concept plan/feasibility study with three pool options for replacing the Ray Williamson Pool. For background information, see below.

Background & Basis of Study

In recognition of the need for public park facilities and, in particular, a swimming pool, island voters approved the formation of the Bainbridge Island Park & Recreation District in a special election on May 25, 1965.  This effort was spearheaded by members of the Rotary Club of Bainbridge Island with the active support of numerous other groups on the island. The first board meeting of the new Park District was held on June 4, 1965.

To stabilize funding operations and long-term planning for the Park District, island residents voted on September 14, 2004, to approve the formation of the Bainbridge Island Metropolitan Park & Recreation District.  As a metropolitan park district, the Park District now operates under a tax structure that provides the community with ongoing funding for their local Park District and thereby assures island residents of continued park and recreation services from year to year.

In February 2015, the Bainbridge Island community voted in favor of purchasing the Sakai property located in the heart of the island and directly across the street from the current aquatic center. The District conducted a public process to determine the public’s interests in the new site, and one of the 12 items generated from the process was a 50-meter pool to replace the aging Ray Williamson lap pool.

In the Summer of 2017, the District commissioned an assessment of the Ray Williamson lap pool. The study confirmed the pool was beyond its useful life and no longer meeting the community’s needs. The same study proposed three alternatives to meet the growing community needs. In conclusion, the District’s board of commissioners decided to pursue further studies on operation and construction costs of a new facility in connection with the current facility as opposed to the Sakai property across the street.

Aquatic Center Replacement Plan Archives

2/21/19 – BIMPRD Board meeting – Coates Design Group Final Study Accepted

Coates Design Group briefly reviewed their study and fielded questions from the BIMPRD Board and the general public.

Coates Design Group Presentation
COBI Pre-Application Summary
52-Meter Pool Cost Study
33-Meter Pool Cost Study
25-Meter Pool Cost Study
Operational Cost Comparison Study – All Pool Options

Meeting Minutes

1/17/19 – BIMPRD Board Meeting – Coates Design Group Final Presentation

Coates Design Group will present their studies findings to the Park District at 6:00pm at the Bainbridge Island Aquatic Center meeting room.

Coates Design Presentation
COBI Pre-Application Summary
52-Meter Pool Cost Study
33-Meter Pool Cost Study
25-Meter Pool Cost Study
Operational Cost Comparison Study – All Pool Options

Meeting Minutes

9/20/18 – BIMPRD Board Meeting – Coates Design Project Update

Coates Design Group presented an update on their work on the aquatic center pool replacement project. Click here to view a draft of the floor plans. To see the meeting minutes of the board meeting, click on the following link: 09/20/18

7/9/18 – Public User Focus Group Meeting

Meeting Agenda
Meeting Minutes

7/2/18 – Staff/Coaches Focus Group Meeting

Meeting Agenda
Meeting Minutes

6/21/18 – Ray Williamson Pool Feasibility Study Schedule – Board Review

The board reviewed the proposed feasibility study schedule developed by Coates Design Group.

Click here to see the Project Schedule *Project schedule is subject to change

To see the meeting minutes of the board meeting, click on the following link: 06/21/18

6/7/18 – Ray Williamson Pool Feasibility Study Schedule – Design Firm Selection

To see the board meeting minutes, click on the following link: 06/07/18. 

3/1/18 – Ray Williamson Pool Feasibility Study Schedule – Study Scope of Work

To see the board meeting minutes, click on the following link: 03/01/18.

Click here for the Project Scope of Work

9/7/17 – Ray Williamson Pool Assessment Study – Board Discussion

To see the Ray Williamson Pool Assessment Study, click here. This study was presented at the August 17, 2017, board meeting, with action pertaining to it taken on September 7, 2017. To see the board meeting minutes, click on the following link: 09/07/17.

8/17/17 – Ray Williamson Pool Assessment Study by Aquatic Design Group

To see the Ray Williamson Pool Assessment Study, click here. This study was presented at the August 17, 2017, board meeting, with action pertaining to it taken on September 7, 2017. To see the board meeting minutes, click on the following link: 08/17/17.

Sakai Park Plan

Sakai Property

Sakai Park Update Presentation (5.18.23)

District Timeline

Sakai Park Tennis Courts

Sakai Park Development Statement (5.3.23)

Sakai Environmental Site Assessment Phase 1

Sakai FAQ
Sakai Site Map
Sakai Property Appraisal

Adopted Concept Plan for Sakai Park

The board adopted the concept plan, and the public interest will continue to be utilized to determine public needs in the future. Click here to see adopted concept plan and feasibility study for Sakai Park (Schematic Design). For background information, see below.

Sakai Park & June 6, 2019 Park Board Meeting

At the June 6, 2019 regular board meeting of the Bainbridge Island Metropolitan Park & Recreation District, the feasibility study for the Sakai Park Concept Plan will be presented by Jones & Jones. For more info about this meeting, click here. For minutes from this meeting, click here.

To review materials presented by Jones & Jones at the 6/6/19 board meeting, click on items below:

Sakai 6-6-19 Schematic Design for Board Presentation

Feasibility Schematic Design Report Final

Sakai Park Conceptual- Feasibility Capital Costs

Sakai Park Review and Feasibility Study Introduction

Click here for Jones & Jones presentation overview from the November 15, 2018 board meeting. Click here for minutes from this board meeting.

Sakai Park Feasibility Study

At the October 4, 2018 regular board meeting of the Bainbridge Island Metropolitan Park & Recreation District, the Board of Commissioners selected from a competitive RFQ process, the architect and landscape architect Jones & Jones to conduct a feasibility study for Sakai Park based on the concept plan adopted by the board on 6/21/18. The work will include schematic designs for the facilities presented in the concept plan, estimated capital costs, and an operational study that will include estimated costs to operate the facility.  Click here for the minutes from the 10/4/18 park board meeting.

Sakai Park & June 21, 2018 Park Board Meeting

At the June 21, 2018 regular board meeting of the Bainbridge Island Metropolitan Park & Recreation District, the Board of Commissioners adopted the concept plan for Sakai Park that was developed by Jones & Jones in 2017. Subsequent to this board meeting an RFQ/RFP is soliciting for feasibility, phasing and other related design details. For more info about this meeting, click here. Click here for minutes from this meeting.

Status of Sakai Park as of May 2018

As a follow up to the concept plan presented to the Park Board by Jones & Jones on 12/7/17, the Park District will be seeking next month proposals from architects that will outline how they would provide specifics and costs for the recommended option presented in the Jones & Jones plan. This will be a formal RFQ (Request for Qualification) process conducted by the Park District with the intent of selecting the most qualified firm to work with in fleshing out options for the park. Look for more information about this later this summer.

At this time, the Park Board of Commissioners has not taken any formal action pertaining to Sakai Park’s development or amenities. There is planning and development underway for a trail through the park. Trail work is subject to City approvals and wetland mitigation.

Board Meeting Agenda Topic for 2/15/18

The Park Board of Commissioners will be reviewing the concept plan for Sakai Park developed by architect Jones & Jones at the February 15, 2018 regular board meeting of the Bainbridge Island Metropolitan Park & Recreation District. Possible board action could be taken. Click here for agenda. Click here for minutes from this meeting.

Sakai Park Concept Plan

Click here to view the concept plan (click here for the appendix) for Sakai Park presented by Jones & Jones to the Park Board of Commissioners at the 12/7/17 board meeting. During this board meeting, the Commissioners took action accepting the master concept plan and opening it up for public comments. The plan was not adopted at the 12/7/17 board meeting.

Public comments are now being sought on this proposed concept plan and are due by January 31, 2018. Please submit comments to Senior Planner Perry Barrett at Click here for public notice.

Board adoption of the proposed concept plan is considered for the February 15, 2018 board meeting.

Board Meeting Agenda Topic for 12/7/17 

At the December 7, 2017 regular board meeting of the Bainbridge Island Metropolitan Park & Recreation District, Jones & Jones will present to the Park Board of Commissioners their recommended concept plan for Sakai Park. Board action may be taken. 

The concept plan Jones & Jones will recommend to the board on 12/7/17 is based on recommended uses for Sakai Park generated by the community after an extensive 2016 public process.  In early 2017, Jones & Jones was asked to research and assess the feasibility of the community’s recommended uses for the park in the context of site constraints. At three different public meetings this past summer, Jones & Jones presented site plan options to the community and board, and gathered input. The concept plan they will present on 12/7/17 reflects the citizen input that was provided, as well as zoning and site constraints.

Click here to view the agenda of the 12/7/17 park board meeting. To see the minutes of the 12/7/17 board meeting, click here

Board Meeting Agenda Topic for 9/21/17:

Click here for a PDF of the Jones & Jones presentation.

At the September 21, 2017 regular board meeting of the Bainbridge Island Metropolitan Park & Recreation District, a third presentation was made by Jones & Jones on site plan options for Sakai Park. For more information, click hereTo see the minutes of the 9/21/17 board meeting, click here.

Ray Williamson Pool Assessment Study

To see the Ray Williamson Pool Assessment Study, click here. This study was presented at the August 17, 2017 board meeting, with action pertaining to it taken on September 7, 2017. To see the minutes of these two board meetings click on the following links: 8/17/179/7/17.

Board Meeting Agenda Topic for 7/6/17:

Click here for a PDF of the Jones & Jones presentation. Click here for a conceptual draft cost estimate.

At the July 6, 2017 regular board meeting of the Bainbridge Island Metropolitan Park & Recreation District, a second presentation was made by Jones & Jones on site plan options for Sakai Park. For more info, click hereTo see the minutes of the 7/6/17 board meeting, click here.

Board Meeting Agenda Topics for 6/1/17:

Click here for a PDF of the Jones & Jones presentation. Submit questions by June 15, 2017 to Senior Planner, Perry Barrett at perry@biparks.orgTo see the minutes of the 6/1/17 board meeting, click here.

On the topic of a 50-meter pool, there were a couple of comments at the June 1, 2017 public meeting that the landscape architects and architects are following up on regarding the total necessary square footage. Both the Port Orchard Pool and Weyerhaeuser Aquatic Center were cited or discussed as suggestions for comparison by the original work group. We will post an update soon.

Sakai Park Site Plan Options
Action: Presentation by Jones & Jones.  (For more info on this agenda topic, click here)
Miniature Steam Train Attraction for Children with Quarter Mile Track at Sakai Park
Action: Possible motion to approve Sakai Park as location for steam train attraction.
Please note that the 6/1/17 board meeting will be held at the Bainbridge Island Aquatic Center at 7pm.

Board Meeting Agenda Topic for 5/18/17:

Feasibility Study and Site Plan for Miniature Steam Train Attraction for Children with Quarter Mile Track at Sakai Park
Action:  Information only.

Board Meeting Agenda Topic for 4/6/17:

Miniature Steam Train Attraction for Children with Quarter Mile Track at Sakai Park
Action: Possible motion to approve Sakai Park as location for steam train attraction.

Site Design

The next phase of site design and planning for Sakai Park is occurring.  The Park District selected from a competitive RFQ process the firm Jones & Jones.  Landscape designers and planners will provide site configurations and analysis based on the recommendations submitted by the public’s design committees in 2016.  We look forward to having preliminary designs this spring and a final design recommendation this summer. 

Proposed Schedule:


  • Develop conceptual design options based on community recommended uses (This would include preliminary utilities, parking/circulation/grading)
  • Present Sustainable Systems Analysis and conceptual design options to Park District staff for input, select preferred option(s)/park elements for further refinement


  • Develop preferred options/park elements with conceptual cost budgeting


  • Present preferred options/park elements with conceptual cost budgeting to Park Staff and Park Board for input


  • Present Final preferred option with conceptual cost budgeting and permitting elements to Park Staff, Park Board, and Design Review Board for input


  • Present Final preferred option with conceptual cost budgeting and permitting elements to Park Board and the public

Minutes/Documents from 2016 Public Process:

Minutes for the first public meeting held on 1-23-16
Minutes for the second public meeting held on 4-23-16
Letter regarding process as of 05-16-16
Summary of public process as of 05-16-16
Minutes for the third public meeting held on 7-16-16
Letter from Bob Linz with Community’s List of Recommended Uses
Excerpts from Board Meeting minutes: Work group presentations to Park Board on 7/21/16
Excerpts from Board Meeting minutes: Work group presentations to Park Board on 8/18/16

8-18-16 Board Meeting presentation schedule and presentations and /or handouts when available:

6:05p     Public Survey – link to results

6:20p     Create A Table – handout

6:35p     Multi-Use, Multi-Age Community Center – link to presentation & handout

7-21-16 Board Meeting presentation schedule and presentations and /or handouts when available:

6:00 PM:

6:45 PM:

7:00 PM:

Information Generated at 1-23-16 Meeting



2020 Comprehensive Plan



The 2020 Comprehensive Plan of the Bainbridge Island Metropolitan Park & Recreation District was adopted at the March 5, 2020, board meeting. To view related links, click below:

Adopted 2020 Comprehensive Plan
Corresponding Resolution

The Bainbridge Island Metropolitan Park & Recreation District is initiating a Washington State-mandated planning update to its six-year comprehensive park, open space, and recreation plan.  This effort will update the park inventory and assess the adequacy of community recreation resources on Bainbridge Island and recreation programming trends. The Park District conducted a public participation outreach through this effort with meetings, an online forum, and a survey.

The information collected will show areas of importance to community residents from which future goals and possible capital projects are derived. Capital projects can include park acquisition and park improvements or development. The updated comprehensive plan will set the direction for the next six years on which capital projects could be funded in upcoming annual budget cycles.  It also assists grant-seeking efforts regarding eligibility for state and federal programs.

2020 Comprehensive Plan Working Timeline
Chapter Review Process

Public Involvement Outcomes Report
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F


The 2020 Comprehensive Plan has entered the public comment period for SEPA review and will conclude on January 24, 2020. The draft Comprehensive Plan was approved on December 19, 2019, by the Park Board of Commissioners, subject to SEPA review. For related documents, click on the following links:

SEPA Notice
SEPA Checklist
2020 Comprehensive Plan (Approved by Park Board subject to SEPA review)

See below for background information and documents related to this comprehensive plan update.

Board Review of Comprehensive Plan Chapters

During upcoming board meetings and work sessions, the Park Board of Commissioners reviewed the Comprehensive Plan chapter by chapter. All board meetings and work sessions are open to the public. Click here for a working timeline. See the links below for related documents. To view chapters slated for the Board’s initial review and subsequent second reviews, scroll down to “Board Review of Comprehensive Plan Chapters.”

December 5, 2019, Board Meeting

The Board will conduct an initial review of the entire draft comprehensive plan at this meeting. To submit written comments, email Senior Planner Perry Barrett by 5:00 pm on December 4 at

In January 2020, there will be a SEPA (State Environmental Policy Act) review period during which other agencies and additional public comments may be submitted.

Draft of Entire Comprehensive Plan

October 24, 2019 Board Work Session

The Board will conduct an initial review of the following chapters at this meeting. To submit written comments on these chapters, email Senior Planner Perry Barrett by 5:00 pm on October 23 at

Chapter 7: Finance (initial review)
Chapter 7: Finance (subsequent review with board and public input)

Chapter 8: Implementation (initial review)
Chapter 8: Implementation (subsequent review with board and public input)

Executive Summary (initial review)
Executive Summary (subsequent review with board and public input)

Appendix Glossary (initial review)
Appendix Glossary (subsequent review with board and public input)

October 10, 2019, Board Work Session

The Board will conduct an initial review of the following chapters at this meeting. To submit written comments on these chapters, email Senior Planner Perry Barrett by 5:00 pm on 10/9/19 at

Chapter 4: Plan Element – Land & Facilities (initial review)
Chapter 4: Plan Element – Land & Facilities (subsequent review with board and public input)

Chapter 5: Park Exhibits (initial review)
Chapter 5: Park Exhibits (subsequent review with board and public input)

Appendix: Historic Sites (initial review)
Appendix: Historic Sites (subsequent review with board and public input)

September 19, 2019, Board Meeting

The Board will conduct an initial review of the following chapter at this meeting. To submit written comments on this chapter, email Senior Planner Perry Barrett by 5:00 pm on September 18 at

Chapter 3: Plan Element – Programs (initial review)
Chapter 3: Plan Element – Programs (subsequent review with board and public input)

September 12, 2019, Board Work Session

The Board will conduct an initial review of the following chapters at this meeting. To submit written comments on these chapters, email Senior Planner Perry Barrett by 5:00 pm on September 11 at

Chapter 2: Goals & Objectives (initial review)
Chapter 2: Goals & Objectives (subsequent review with board and public input)

Chapter 6: Levels of Service (initial review)
Chapter 6: Levels of Service (subsequent review with board and public input)

August 1, 2019, Board Meeting

The Board will review the following chapters at this meeting. If you would like to submit written comments on this chapter, please email Senior Planner Perry Barrett by 5:00 pm on July 31 at


Chapter 1: Context & Settings (initial review)
Chapter 1: Context & Settings (subsequent review with board and public input)

2014 Comprehensive Plan

On July 10, 2014 by Resolution 2014-14, the Park Board of Commissioners adopted the six-year 2014 Comprehensive Plan for parks, recreation and open space. To view the 2014 Comprehensive Plan documents, see the links below.

Current Comprehensive Plan (full document)

Legal Notice
SEPA Environmental Checklist

Resolution 2014-12: 2014 Comprehensive Plan Adoption Subject to SEPA Review
Resolution 2014-14: 2014 Comprehensive Plan Adoption

Battle Point Park Pickleball Courts

The Battle Point Park Pickleball Courts have entered the public comment period for SEPA review and will conclude on March 20, 2020. For related documents, click on the following links:

SEPA Notice
SEPA Checklist
Site Map
Related Introductory Letter

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